Vineman photos
Finally back in LA and able to get some photos up. Thanks Jenny!
I just figured out how to read the ranked splits (your time for each: swim-2.4 miles, bike-112 miles, run-26.2 miles) on the results page. My bike was 28th out of 366, in the top 7.5%! I am totally amazed by that. And for anyone else that geeks out over numbers, here they are: swim, 173/379, 45% and run, 112/310, 36%. My overall was 56/310, 18%. Wtf?
I am posting this because I want others who are thinking about similar events to realize that the 'I am in over my head' feeling is totally normal. I was convinced that I was last in the swim. I was okay with that, but seriously thought I had been passed by everyone. Ends up I was in the middle somewhere.
That made me nervous.

Tommie Smith and John Carlos
with a black power salute

So whatever is in the back of your mind: do it. Sign up. Make training fun and not a job. Make a plan, but be flexible. Those around you will support you and even thank you for being positive and going beyond your comfort zone. Cause really this is what life is about. Riding a bike to work, being vegetarian, doing an iron-distance triathlon; all are about getting out of your comfort zone and doing what common-people will tell you is unreasonable or impossible. Do it.
Thanks Matt
Taking pictures was fun.
Brian is already planning next year.
See you soon.
Love Jenny
Matt is such an inspiration!! That last paragraph is so well put, amazing!!
Just came across your blog...I love your last paragraph at the end of this post. So true!
Nice work out there!
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